Establishment of a Safeguards Management System and Development of the Capacity of Selected Staff in Environmental and Social Management for an Agricultural Organisation

The objective of the assignment was to establish an Environmental and Social Safeguards Management System. More specifically, the firm was tasked with facilitating the integration of environmental, social and gender management aspects in the operations of the organization. This was coupled with developing the capacity of scientists and the institution’s top management in environment and […]

Environmental and Social Due Diligence of Plantation Forestry Operations in East and Southern Africa

Atacama Consulting conducted an ESDD for a potential investment in plantation forestry operations in Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique. This assessment was based on good international industry practices, such as the World Bank’s Environment, Health and Safety guidelines, the IFC’s Performance Standards, and forestry certification requirements. The assignment culminated in a red flag report, detailed due […]

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Vegetable Oil Development Project, Phase 2 (VODP 2) on Buvuma Island, Lake Victoria

Our team conducted an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Vegetable Oil Development Project, Phase 2 (VODP 2). The activities undertaken included collection of baseline information, comprehensive stakeholder engagement at both local and national levels, specialized field studies, impact identification and assessment, and development an Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan. It […]

Environmental Audit for a 76-acre Flower Farm

Atacama Consulting conducted a Compliance Environmental Audit for a 76-acre Flower Farm to check compliance with commitments made in the project-approved Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. The involved comprehensive document review and site inspections that culminated in an audit report coupled with an action plan to facilitate corrective action and continuous improvement in environmental and […]

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the National Oil Palm Project in Mayuge, Masaka, Buvuma, Mukono and Kalangala Hubs

Atacama Consulting successfully completed the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the National Oil Palm Project. The project was undertaken in five implementation hubs, which are not defined by district geographical boundaries. The hubs include Masaka hub, Mayuge hub, Mukono hub, and Kalangala and Buvuma hubs. The activities undertaken by the team included document which entailed the […]