Impact Assessment Services

About Impact Assessment Services

In today’s world, major development projects face increasing public scrutiny due to their potential impacts on the environment, people, communities, and overall societal well-being. To address these concerns, proposed projects are required to undertake impact assessments to identify and mitigate potential adverse effects before they occur and enhance positive benefits of the projects.

At Atacama Consulting, we are dedicated to providing top-tier impact assessment services in line with the national and international requirements.

Our expertise spans various sectors including Energy (Renewable, Oil & Gas), Transport, Agriculture, Tourism, and Manufacturing.

Impact Assessment Services

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

ESIA is a comprehensive assessment of the potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed project.

Environmental & Social Management & Monitoring Plans (ESMMP)

Environmental & Social Management & Monitoring Plans (ESMMP)

These ensure effective implementation and monitoring of environmental and social management practices throughout a project’s lifecycle.

Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)

Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)

This is a critical tool for identification of environmental and social risks associated with projects.

Rapid Aerial / Drone Surveys

Rapid Aerial / Drone Surveys

Drone services provide precise data during environmental assessments, land-use planning, and project monitoring, enabling effective decision making.

Specialist Studies

Specialist Studies

These include climate change impact analysis, critical habitat assessment, cumulative impact assessment, environmental modeling, and GIS analysis to support informed decision-making.